Why is the Smart Gen the ideal choice for you

Our Quality Assurance (QA) and Software Testing (Software Testing) services are two of the many vital service categories that we provide. The purpose of these services is to verify that the software satisfies all of its requirements and expectations before it is made available to the public.

In the long run, this promise is critical to the software's success. We provide complete quality assurance services under stringent time limitations to help our clients produce high-quality software on schedule.

Maintenance Costs

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Testing Costs

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Severe Defects


Testing Professionals


Our Approach to Software Testing



Together with you, we determine the specific project outcomes that are necessary for a successful collaboration and get an understanding of your software testing requirements.


Extensive plan

Our QA testing software experts analyze your requirements to establish the optimal solution, and then we organize our staff to cover the resulting skill and resource voids.



The software testing strategies and initiatives are evaluated and developed by our team, and then the revised procedures are carried out.



Our team produces and executes the strategies that were offered, while assessing the results of the QA testing software to guarantee that we are fulfilling your requirements.

How Is QA Testing Software Implemented

Manual Testing

The QA Analyst must carry out the tests by hand to do manual testing, and the findings must be documented. The goal of this procedure is to identify and fix any bugs that may exist in software that is still in the development stage. In particular, the individual who is in charge of carrying out the test will be accountable for ensuring that the piece of software that is being evaluated has all of the necessary elements. After that, testing reports will be created so that they may act as the basis for the subsequent stage of the software development process.

Automated Testing

The usage of test scripting and code that was generated by the software testers is what ultimately leads to automation being realized. Testers use the appropriate automation tools to write test scripts and check the application. The execution of the test has to be finished in less amount of time to fulfill the specified end aim.

Test Automation Tools We Use

Automated UI testing tools

API testing tools